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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

[Off Day]Shop Meeting + Sinseh + SteamBoat

A Little tiring week for me ...

Completed my off on wed... which means i need to work for thurs, fri, sat and sun. All busy day... and my off day today... i woke up early to go for shop meeting! the shop meeting is actually inform us that ... lower our comm... sad!

After meeting... had long john silver with mr Lee... [yummy]

After the yummy breakfast... when to see sin seh... twisted my leg last wed @ malaysia... i tot nothing serious... but it actually hurts! especially when i walk a lot ...
the sin seh that treated my leg... think that i am fat n will not feel pain! keep hitting my leg HARD! end up my ankle did not really feel much better after that ... TMD... wasted my $20!

Shopped @ old people's park complex for shampoo and etc! heehee !
[did not buy any KOI! *~sad~*

When to seng song @ west coast to buy ingredient for steamboat! MR lee's friend[ivan] and his wife to be will be coming over to have dinner @ my house.... cos parent not @ home ! hehe!
Shopped a lot... also bought some tibits for shop/treat the temp staff... think they work hard for us too ... hehehe!
OH! forgot to mention! i manage to buy the wallet that i eyed on VERY long ago! finally got the colour i wan! [OG People Park]
This wallet got lots of compartment! i LOVE it ! it cos $199! paid by Mr LEE! heehee! thanks !

This is the soup that Mr lee Modified for our steamboat @ night!
the soup is really tasty! we purchased the chicken soup... added radish.. old cucumber...

the food for the night !

we have "3" type of soup for the night! haha!
1st soup... we had chicken soup
2nd soup ...prawn soup [ cos we added prawn... the soup got prawn taste]
3rd soup ... mushroom soup [ added all the mushroom that we had]

wahahaha! told ivan that, where can find such good lobang... 3 soup base le... i am going to charge him for the "entrance fee" to my house! hhaha![joking 1!]

We almost finished all the food... awahaha! glad that we did not buy too much! heehee!

Every 1 sat @ the sofa to watch tv... after the steamboat ! hehehe!

I tot will a happy day with happy ending... but mr lee ended my day upset...
he knew that my parent is not in singapore ... he actually did not plan to stay over @ my place !
i HUH loudly and asked him " u not staying over?" he actually replied that he did not have his working stuff with him! and he have bought instant noodle for his home...

i am seriously pissed! cos we went back to his house in the afternoon to unload the daily product that he bought... he did not even bother to bring his stuff out...

He start giving lame excuses ... he planning to stay over on fri night[he off on sat] ... maybe he drive the car home and come back... ask me go out for drinks[with his friends]... then drive the car out... then he will come back home with me ... WTF! Rubbish!

NOW i think he is probably SLEPT NOW ! even knowing i am so pissed off... !

Sign OFF!

Saturday, 24 April 2010



Friday, 23 April 2010




每次有同样的OFF DAY他都不会有任何安排,或做任何的安排。。。



Sunday, 18 April 2010


不知不觉。。。 三点多。。。不!是四点了!时间过超快!





- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

S.H.E 演唱会!

刚刚看完S。H。E is The One 的演唱会! 事隔了三年!终于等到了!


不过,对自己有一点失望。。。 因为有一首歌,我竟然没听过!我还须要问我的同事,才知道那首歌的歌名! [可爱万岁!]



她们的每一首歌都让我听出耳油呢! 回意也不断的涌出来!
每一首歌还是那么的好听 和 朗朗上口!


她们的可爱,不做作 还有她们的 真, 是让人不能不喜欢她们!

她们的感情真好。。。 就如她们所说。。。[朋友,姐妹都已不够来形容]

老婆这首歌, 每次听/唱都让我感动无比!每记错的话,是ELLA + SELINA 的创作!

S.H.E 的魔力真大! 我那么老了还是喜欢她们。。。她们的粉丝也越来越多了! 整个 INDOOR STADIUM 的人都跟着唱[除了一些配孩子来的爸妈们]

S.H.E只了唱魔力的开头,就跑去换衣服,剩下的都是粉丝唱的!好HIGH! 真是好感人! 如果我是她们,我应该会感动到哭!

服装,舞态,舞者,BAND,合音天使 都配合的天衣无逢!

这次的票好难买! 本以为买不到票了,好彩不只为何,又有票放出来!我真的是不管三七二十一就把票给买了!好开心!这也告诉我有钱不是什么都买的到!



明天在狮城大厦[PLAZA SING]有个签唱会。。。好后悔没拿年假[那时经理叫我拿],不然我就能去签唱会了!*奥脑**铁齿*


希望有机会,机票和门票! 哈哈哈哈!


Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Aston @ The CAthay Bad Service

Today, my off day !

Went to do waxing for my bottle half leg @ the cathay with sister!

Planned to have Aston when we are both done with the waxing.

ASTON service is so terrible! i am not some 1 who expect high/good service, as long not rude... i am fine with it !

but their service is so bad!!!

when we reached there... NO Q! [ we were both so happy!] walk it and was stop by this auntie! talking in mono tone with done face, saying must order @ the DOOR 1st then can sit.
the whole restaurant is NOT PACK! and i think the most 2 tables!

sis asked the aunt, can we sit @ the table and order... she took some time to think and replied. ok lor.

b4 we could walk Start walking to the tables, a man in black shirt[which i believe should be manager/supervisor/senior... some 1 with higher position then the auntie... show us his hand / palm [like talk to my hand] and "say order 1st, order 1st"

i can only say, this is damn rude!

we are so pissed off and we walk off the shop.

ASTON @ the CATHAY. a shop i will not visit any more.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Happy Shift!

today had my 1st closing shift @ my work place! is simply too shiok! i hope to have more of it! the time pass faster man!

好无聊!iphone sync 好慢! 我等道花儿也谢了!

金凤说。。。 要去holiday 可是还没确定地点! 好闷啊!没东西做!

累 啊!

Sunday, 11 April 2010


我好开心!我以经洗澡了!虽然比原定的时间[十点]晚了一个小时半。 但我还是比平时来的早!

我个人觉得没问题,但不同意把自己的裸照或性爱照片放上网! 不过我虽然爱看着类的新闻/消息! 哈哈哈哈! 不是我变态。。。 只不过,不看白不看。。。 人家都原意放上网。。。 就是要人看。。。


只能说, 没事别乱拍那些有的没的照片。。。人心隔肚皮。。。

要写个华文的部落格。。。真不简单!那写做华文报和跟华文有关息的人。。。 真强!



My Whole Off Day!

Today... i planning to leave this website open... key in anything as and when i like it! hha! wonder how will be it @ the end of the day!

woke @ 11+ 早起的鸟儿有虫吃!古人说的话,好贴切!我虽然没有吃虫, 但我今天的时间比较长!嘻嘻!

能写华语真好!可以练习我的汉语拼音! ~*开心*~

left my i phone @ work place... very handicapped cos usually i will take pic using the iphone... now... cannot le! going to take what i am doing today and etc! heheh! i think i going to charge my sony camera~! haha! ~*AFK~*

wahaha! the camera is low batt! sad case! i shall wait for a while... then start doing my stuff for today... hehehe! but i cant upload immediately the pic to twitter! pisssed! haha!

just tried to BT my Lollipop phone to my iMAC! it works! i uploaded a pic on twitter! ahaha! although handicapped...[without iphone] at least it still works! ahaha!

i had this last night with Mr Lee... he said the standard dropped... to me... i purely too pissed off ... just 1 2 eat it ! haha! practically too pisssed off... [refer to previous entry why i so pissed off]

going to have my meal sooon...BUT mum came out of the room... ask me to help her do things! some time i think ... is she ok... scold me like F yesterday... now talk to me... MAD AH!

haha! she ask me to help her print some documents! Trying out the printing from iMAC! seriously i think iMAC is really smart... *or is it i too stupid* hahah! the printer... i did not install anything... only connect the USB! and can print le! so aamazing!!!!!!!! i like it !

now got to help her send email... think is also time for me to read my email... always relay on i phone...! haha!

going to eat le!

~*AFK 1308*~


my lunch! cooked by my mum! asam stingray with nuggets! haha! weird right! actually i am sick now... heaty ba... and some flu... she still give me hot stuff! outstanding! but i dun blame her... cos she dun know that i am sick! haha!

going to have my nice tea !

oh ya.. also watching some video from xin.msn! like last time mobtv! but is free! and not all show also... hehehe!!!!!!!!!


i went out @ 4pm to buy food! goodness! i am so motivated to go buy food... i nv see myself so motivated to exercise b4! KNS me! hahaha!

@ 1627 i am back home with my 战利品!

20 pieces of nuggets and mac flurry! haha! due to weather too bot and also my mum put nuggets in her asam fish! hahaha!



is really nice to stay home man... although is nicce to go out and chill with friends! haha!
i watch lots of show such as 康熙来了。。。 我爱黑色棒棒糖。。。艺点心意[i think so] actually not a lot la... but like spent my whole day le ? wahaha!

now i going to read my TW book! haha! and listen to my S.H.E new album!
btw... why so many ppl swim today! pissed off! later i wish to cycle!



mum came back... my peaceful afternoon was a little disturb... she start to watch tv... and also talking... maybe cos i still a little pissed off by what she did and say yesterday... i put on ear pieces[new purchase] and listen to my songs...

just now was reading my TW book! i think i really not good @ studying... i dosed off... wahaha! or is it cos the book that it introduce cant attract my attention..

is already 7pm... my off day going to end very soon!!! so scary ! heehee!!!!!


k... forgot to say... i know another couple going to get marry soon... the hubby to be bought her a 0.76 carat diamond ring... **envy** and planning to ROM on 10.10.10
i have to buy for myself... only 0.23 only

this couple is really fast ! heheee ! i think less then 2 yrs ba... i feel that ... some time u really need the 冲动 to get marry...

i think i have pass that stage...

this yr really a lot of colleagues getting marry!!! wat happened? wahaha! get marry is some thing trendy is it ? hahaha!


ok ... i dun wan to type le... hahaha... see if i can go n exe now !!! heehee! whaha!!!!
feel so lazy!!!

Saturday, 10 April 2010

KNN! PISSED OFF! left my phone @ shop!

Just got home from work!

really pisssed off by my mum attitude and PATTERN!

i work @ cuppage... when she pick me @ work... while we are still @ PS... i asked her can go back for me to collect my phone... she refuse and some more she is going to u turn! and go towards somerset MRT there... ASSHOLE LOR!

worst is she say ask dad to send me back when we pick dad up from his work where he work @ one north area! i was so pissed off by her FRIENDLY! i call my colleagues for help... but the 1 that live near me LEFT!

AS USUAL, my mum nagged!!!!! on going n on going...

when picked dad up, OTW home... i sms my manager... he is still @ shop... so i asked my dad whether can he send me back to shop... he said ok... but mum actually start to scold me... say how ex the petrol is... wasting of time... say how long she wait for me... take additional effort to me pick me from work n etc... how tired she is n etc... say i will book a cab and go down n etc...
did she think b4 she speak? possible to go back @ so late ? my boss will no longer be @ shop le !

seriously... i am really pissed inside my heart... but i trying hard not to be angry...
i know she is tired and etc... that is why i nv wake her up from her sleep... i took a cab to work ... nv go n bother her or wake her up from her sleep....... why is she still complaining n etc....

dun she think that is more saving that she u turn back just now!!!!!!!!!

pissed off ! she even say i attitude bad n etc... i did not even raise my voice! i am very sure abt it !

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Drunk Me[i think] + Very Fulling Day

Today, went out with my colleagues...

Had fish and co for our brunch ! b4 meeting them... they acutally detour to LOT 1 to help me collect a book ahaha![ok! while typing... my iPhone dropped on the floor!] * Heart Pain *

Is actually S.H.E book. Is like their diary ba i think... haven really read it yet... just flip through!

Thank You My Friends! Gazel and Cheryl! heehee!

The Food @ Fish and Co is not as good as last time... the food are oily... i ordered bake salmon... but the salon presented to me seen to be PAN FRIED! oily and very NI![Ger Lat]

It acutally cos us 130! damn EX! 3 main... 1 side... 2 drinks! i mean... is ex for CAFE and yes is for 4 pax ... but still... i think i better CUT down on high class food! else going to be very broken! hahah!

We walked from PS to TAKA... planning to buy my wallet... which i eye on long ago... but think is fated... after going down SO many times... i still dun manange to get it ... i probably will tell myself not to buy!

After that, We went Timbre @ Old SChool... Had a bottle of Red Wine and a half half Pizza! was actually quite full... but i still 1 2 order the pizza cos is Le Le 1st time there... Was there from 7pm to 1030pm... Heart To Heart Talk! i Love such session! more more pls ! haha!

Luckily us... today is a cooling and windy day... no raining too! But was a little too ex! heehee! 90+ for 2 pax!

Today... is a high class day! all the MEAL seem EX! haha!

After that , Le Le's Baby came to pick us up! heehee! he sent me home too! but dun know is it he drove too fast or i ate too much... when i rich home.. i almost cant walk properly and want to puke out! hahah! i really use my full enery to make my self home... open door and etc... and when i reached my room! i lied on the floor and FAINTED! haha! i mean sleep!

i was planning to bath and have a good long night rest! hahaha! i woke up @ 2am to bath! heehee!!!!! while waiting for my hair to dry... i created this entry! hahaha!

some times... to have some more to chase after you[woo] is something that i envy others...
to receive small gifts and also the effort the person put in to chase u... [e.g send u to work or home... buy some small snacks and etc...

i nv had some 1 woo me... even my bf also nv... i believe is my outter appearance... although hurting to know the facts... but nvm is ok... i believe i have accepted the fate long ago... cos if this person is after me becos of look... he will not love me when i am old... waha! [wat a "GOOD"excuse to make me feel better]

just envy some times... cos even my own bf also nv chase after me... just that it feel like i "OFFER MYSELF" to him... and dun know how come... we are together... and for 6 yrs.. although already 6yrs... but i feel that... is some thing that is not he fight for it... he will not treasure much... wahaha! if he acutally try hard to chase after me... it will be something that he treasure more ? WAHA!

I Wonder....

Monday, 5 April 2010

Cramp Again...


This is a monthly thingy again… pain again…

Seriously wants to MC for today… but due to lack of man power today… I force myself to come… regret for “STUDYING” the roster!

If I did not study the roster, I will not know today no man power… then I can just rest @ home happily…

Lately, really restless… no patient… I think all of my patient is being used up by the people I serve daily… and also by my mum…

Mum always nag and keep talking non-stop… so when the people I serve also do the same thing… I will get inpatient!

Hope today will be a non busy day… let me pass today peacefully!

*Testing to have a entry by Email*

Friday, 2 April 2010

Out with mr lee and his cousins! [no pic]

wow! today is really a long day !

woke up by mum's nag[as usual]... wash up and meet them @ TBP @ abt 1pm....

mr lee treat them to our usual ala cart buffet ...

5 pax in total! heehee! abt $158! not cheap! heehee!

After the buffet, we headed to chinatown ... wanted to buy KOI... it been a long time since i last drink it....

BUT it was such a long Q till i dun wan to drink... partly also becos traffic jam! hehehe!

Routed to Aunt house to pass sis stuff to her b4 heading to VIVO... as she is going to malaysia for diving tonight... [ she already OTW there le... i believe! haha!]

Every where also jam! alot of car!!!!!

park @ vivo level 7! 1st time so high level! haha!

bought my S.H.E CD! heheee!!! wanted to buy a wallet that i aim long ago... but due to the bad service of the shop[refuse to help me check on other branch, even though they say the other outlet will be busy and etc...] and also out of stock...

will try to buy @ taka using my taka voucher... if still failed to buy it... i will not buy any more... most likely is fated not for me to buy that wallet/change of wallet ! hehe!

took a rest @ YA KUN @ harbour front! met lorraine ! chatted for a while!! heehee!!!!

After resting... we drove to Timbre @ old school! but, due to raining... we left the place... they are also full house... we thne drove to marine barrage as mr lee want to bring them there!

there are so many kite in the sky! so high! haha! mostly with lights attached! make me feel like buying 1 and go and fly kite! hehee!

some thing suay happened twice! this group of ppl... 2 boy..2 ger... the boi... trying hard to fly their kite! but failed in the end! haha! the ger... play with bubble...吹泡泡... their soap/bubble flew into my eye!!!!!!!! luckily i wore spect... else sure kana badly...

as the guy keep on cant fly the kite... the gers took over... they manage to fly the kite into the sky! good job!
the guy feeling boring... starts to play with the bubble that the gers are playing previously...
same time HAPPENED AGAIN! this time is not only 2-3 DROPLETS! is like splash into my face! my spect is fill up with the soap! [ok sorry... is not wet but many SPOTS!] and i have already change my position ...
at least the boi ap ologies... else i think i will be damn pissed off!!!!! no choice... we left the place cos i dun wan to kana the 3rd time...

sent mr lee home to take his barang barang for his work tmr... as he will be staying overnight @ my house! haha!

mood swing again @ the end of the day.... attitude him... hehehe.... so sorry mr lee...

drop mr lee cousin's @ my house here ... for them to take a cab back... nearer... compare to town...

reached home and turn on my NEW iMAC... FB... and realised that my SIS! going to malaysia tonight and only RETURNING on the 6th! damn long! and she still tell me she is bz with work! cant take AL!

any way... hope she have a safe diving trip! heheh! hope to see her soon!

out whole day... but did not tweet @ all! i think my life is abit boring... heehee!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Mum + Colleague

lately... mum seem to be in a weird emotion...

easily pissed off... keep on angry... and get work up easily... for a very small thing... she keep insist on her on way... what ever she says or do are all correct...

it really make me pissed off and always make me start my day badly !

hope all this rubbish will stop ASAP!!!!

DOES SHE THINKS that her lousy attitude and whinning that how poor thing she is will make us talk to her more ??

she keep thinking we treat her bad... only think of how bad we treated her...

why is she making herself feel so lousy by thinking of all the bad and not on the GOODS!!!

enough of her!

Today, my colleague came to shop and look for me..! pass me a belated birthday present and also her RED BOMB! AHHAHA!!!!

she bought me chocolate from ROYCE! serious nv heard this brand b4... but can feel that is a high class or ex brand of chocolate! hehehe!

she designed for her own card! haha! the doll on the card really look like her hubby to be! aha!

i wish her all the best ! hehehe! happy marriage for her ! more babies! hehe!